Can't hate Hillary or Barrack


Dec 17, 2005
I did not vote for Bill Clinton, nor would I vote for Hillary or Barrack. That said, I cannot hate any of them. I do not agree with their politics, but I will defend their right to have their own opinions and to work toward what they see as correct political goals. Hating them gets me nothing and is wasted energy. IMO Sen. McCain is our best hope to see at least a balanced hand steering the ship of state. Working for McCain and speaking for his successful run at the White House, is how I choose to expend my energy.
While Sen. McCain's record on defending the rights of firearms sports is not perfect, he has done little to stand in the way of any of our passions for the continued private use and ownership of firearms. This is as good as it is going to get.
For me, the torch will be passed to younger people, who may choose to defend firearms rights. I have beat the drum for full membership, by all gun owners in the NRA and still, that org only has one tenth of the membership that it should have, were all gun owners signed up. No matter what your own personal peeve with the NRA may be, they are still our best and strongest opponent against the antis. All the gun grabbers hate the NRA, and for me, that is the best endorsement to belong to the NRA.
I am sometimes disappointed in the hatred and poison spewing forth from my gun-sports brethen. The people who spout this hatred are better than what their rhetoric indicates. I am certain of that.