November 2008

old #7

Sep 9, 2006
Please consider your cantidates voting record especially on hunting and guns before casting your vote.
There is nothing worse than voting for someone then finding out they are opposed to the very things that bring joy to your life.
Educate yourself before casting your vote.
Vote with your mind not your emotions.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Oboma Do not have my best interests in mind when it comes to gun ownership, the right to carry and the right to defend myself.
If your not an NRA member please join. The NRA is looking out for all gun owners.
Visit their website and educate yourself before casting your vote.
I shudder to think what our country is going to be like for the next four years. When I think about Clinton or Obama, I get uneasy, but on the other hand, I don't really get a good feeling about McCain, either. I'm stuck here. I don't have the option of not voting - I just can't bring myself not to participate - but I sure am going to have to hold my nose when I do it. My problems with McCain are that he is, well, a bit too leaky a vessel to place much hope in. What I mean by that is that he just isn't reliable to stand firm on a philosophy, except that of getting himself in the media as much as possible. I don't trust him any more than I trust the other two, I just happen to think if he wins, there might be a balance of power in the federal government since the house and senate are likely to remain democrat.

I've come to the conclusion that this years election choices are akin to picking the least foul smelling outhouse on the block!
If you think you need to pick the least smelly out house on the block........

At least pick the one that will let you take your hand gun out of your holster and place it on the toilet paper holder while you are taking a dump.
Don't misunderstand me, Old #7. I'm very likely going to vote for McCain, but I will say that I am disappointed in the Republican party as a whole over the last several years, and this just demonstrates how and why the party lost control of congress - they are totally disconnected with what conservatism is. It is a shame that I even think of not voting for McCain (based on who will be his opponent), but I do, just because I don't want the party to believe that he is an acceptable candidate. I don't even have a lot of faith he can win this, and even if he does, our country is still in a good bit of trouble. He is far more liberal and social-ist than you might imagine, and I don't believe for one minute that my guns are a whole lot safer with him than with either of the other two. He's just not overt about it.
I also think McCain is too much of a moderate. I was dissapointed to see Thompson do so poorly and also was a bit bummed after Romney dropped out.
I have also been upset with the republican party recently. It's too bad that Ron Paul doesn't get more respect for his limited role of government views. If he didn't come across so nutty I think he would do alright.
I think the government needs to stay out of health care, retirement (social security), all types of insurance, unemployment benifits are BS, so is welfare and medicare. These things only promote dependancy on the government. Or, shouldn't we say dependancy on the TAX PAYERS instead of government.
If you want to screw something up, get the government involved.
The only role government should have is to serve and protect.