Salmón con Salsa de Camarones


Nov 8, 2006
My lady had surgery yesterday. It was time to remove some of the hardware she acquired over a year ago (after she jumped off the roof). Yup! She was playing Super Woman. It didn't work out so well, meaning that she would require surgery to place a titanium rod in her tibia to stabilize the fracture. It's a heckuva way to become Iron Woman (She takes this Tony Stark stuff serious, I guess).

In any case, I'm assigned kitchen duties for a few days. (I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving. We'll have nine over and I'm doing...) Okay, don't get me off topic. Tonight, I thought I'd try to please her with my pièce de résistance, Salmón con Salsa de Camarones. It's mostly an original effort, and it actually turned out well. Looks like this when plated:



I had a nice salmon fillet in the freezer, which I thawed in the fridge for a day. The fish was salted with some cracked pepper and smoked paprika added for colour and flavour. I placed it on parchment paper on an old tray in the Traeger heated to ~375 F. The beautiful fillet was done to perfection in about sixteen minutes.

In the meantime, I heated in a skillet the juice of a large lemon and a lime, together with three cloves of garlic minced, around three tablespoons of avocado oil and four green onions sliced thin. When this mix was bubbling well and just beginning to reduce, I added about 3/4 pound of shrimp with a good helping of dill weed. The whole mixture was allowed to bubble and churn until the shrimp was thoroughly cooked.

At the same time, I added about 2/3 cup of sour cream and a large Tablespoon of cream cheese to a sauce pan. When this was almost heated through, I cut about 2/3 stick of butter into small pieces to ensure that it would melt well. When all was melted and blended, I added the shrimp mixture. The salmon was almost ready.

I had a couple of large heads of broccoli which I quartered and prepared in the microwave (about four and one half minutes) before adding some butter and salt. The salmon was served with the shrimp sauce to spoon over the fish. Oh, yeah, it was a hit. Dunno what my good lady meant when she said she may be restricted to crutches for some weeks if it meant that I would be cooking every night! :?
I need to have foot surgery. May I rehab at your place? LOL
Well done Dr. Mike.
I have knee replacement in a couple of weeks! :)

I believe you are a great chef in addition to your other multiple talents!
Dang that looks good. Mike I'll keep a couple of vacuum sealed fillets in the freezer just in case you come to Oregon.

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Well, I don't get out of Canada all that often (moose hunting sucks in Texas and Kansas grizzlies just don't do much for me). However, I can testify that the sauce spooned over tandoori and poached eggs makes for a great breakfast treat. The flavour simply explodes in one's mouth. What a grand start to the day! Only thing better would be to topple a fine elk or moose first thing on a brisk fall morning.
DrMike I am sure that Lynda enjoys when you start to cook, you do have a gift for it :wink:.
I am reading this today and I am salivating over top of my keyboard :mrgreen:.
Thank you for the post my friend.
