Some 223 action


Nov 17, 2005
Got my bolt back from being bushed a few days ago and had to wait for these crazy 25-40mph winds to die down before I could get out and test a few more loads and see if that bushing helped any. Well, it definitely cured the cratering! Super happy with that as it was quite annoying. Also shot 5 loads at 200 with the 75g ELDM and N540 around 24.4-24.8 Think I'll load up 24.7 and play with some seating depths in 3 to 5 thousands increments now. Getting pretty close with it. Busted a few milk jugs at 500 afterwards. Those 75s do a pretty dang good job. Make some good coyote medicine I think. Busted some jugs with the 6 Creed and 108 ELDMs also just to get a few more rounds down the barrel and fireform brass.

Looking good Jorey. The firing pin strike on the primer looks really nice.
Your 24.7 gr load sure looks great and adjusting seating depth should walk that group in.
Nice work at the reloading and shooting benches.

Good to hear your bolt turned out for you. Ben does good work , I had the same issue and having the firing turned down and bushed was the ticket.
I actually had a guy named Jerry Stephenson do it for me. He goes by Carlsbad on the forums. Ben never did return my email. But yes, I'm glad it's taken care of now. I would definitely recommend him and his work.
I had to have that done on a Mk V in 300 Wby a few years ago. It was done by GreTan, but they're not doing these at the current time as they're too busy.
It completely resolved the problem as well.

They alleged it would make the rifle more accurate too, and I can confirm that it surely didn't hurt it.