What's your side hustle?

6mm Remington

Ammo Smith
Feb 27, 2006
Sharpen Knives: I don't make a ton of money doing it but I love doing it anyway! I can spend hours sharpening some knives and it feels like only minutes have gone by. I also love the reaction people have the first time that I sharpen something for them. They have never had a knife that sharp ever! I enjoy doing it and it puts a little gas in the pickup to go do something outdoors such as hunting, fishing, and anything else. It's healing doing it. I have the same sensation reloading ammo for my hunting rifles. Very calming and relaxing. I don't have the radio or anything on, just silence.
Sharpening is a hobby of mine, I am a little obsessive, so sometimes I get frustrated when things don't turn out the way I want, but it is something I am passionate about and have lots of fun with. I have an absolute fascination with edged tools and hope to be able to make knives one day, as well as forge so I can make axes too. I am considering starting a little local sharpening business and seeing what happens. Despite the fact that I can produce an edge on a kitchen knife that left my mom shocked at what it could do, I am not particularly fast at sharpening, and sometimes I have self confidence issues in the field, so I have been a little hesitant to try it as a service, that and the fact that making very little money on pretty much anything means having to pay taxes on it...

To a certain extent, everything is a side hustle for me at the moment, I'm living with my parents hoping to get a family business going while trying to fix a neglected foundation on the house. Something I am hoping to pick up here is how to make leather knife sheaths. I don't have the overhead for knife making equipment at the moment, but it doesn't seem to take too much to get into leather work, so I thought it would be a nice way to get into a related craft. I am pretty excited to see how that goes.
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