Biden's mandate.


Mar 6, 2017
Not sure how it's gonna affect my wife and I yet. Doesn't matter, doesn't change anything. We're not getting the shot, and not getting any weekly testing.

I'm against it for a myriad of reasons. My principles and convictions are not for sale. Money, or costing me money, has nothing to do with it.

What those controlling, manipulative, fear mongering weasels in DC don't understand is the greatest feeling of freedom is when you know your path ahead of time, and it has no ties to their plans. They don't have nothing over me and never will.

I slept as good last night as I do every other night. Bring it on you muttering, bumbling, fraud of a little man. I'll come out better off than I was no matter what.

If my income changes, I'll be doing something different to just change the source. And laugh everyday doing it.
My wife and I are not getting the shot/shots. My 72 year old sister died 3 days after getting her second shot, she died of blood clots. The story keeps changing with this virus and you don't know who to believe.
If you want to get the vaccine or wear a mask go right ahead, that is your choice.
My wife is a DES baby, she is sterile and has lots of health issues. If you don't know what DES is, read about it here; ... fact-sheet
It was given to pregnant women and they were told it was for miscarriage/morning sickness.
When they are paying you to get a vaccine or offering gift cards to get the vaccine, I'm thinking there's something else going on.
That's my option and where I stand.
I could have never believed I would witness the degradation of American life as I have under Joseph Robinette Biden and his crew of termites. The speech he gave was incoherent and deliberately divisive. He seems to imagine that he is a king. Bad as the political climate can be in Canada, it appears that matters in the USA are moving rapidly beyond this Canadian condition. He will undoubtedly provoke a fight with multiple governors. I can only hope that GOP elected officials will speak out in stern opposition to him and the sycophantic Dems. Every business in the USA should oppose his mandates in this matter. When OSHA is overwhelmed by those flooding the system with administrative requests for clarification and resistance, matters can change quickly. The man appears to be desperate to distract from multiple fiascos resulting from policies he implemented (e.g. the southern border, Afghanistan, etc.).
Just more of he same blathering and dictating. Let me know how his stupid shit works for you JB. The weak follow your leftist dictates , I could go for a fe mean tweets about now

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three of us have a Newfoundland moose hunt booked for 2 years . covid shut it down last year . this year we need the vax to cross the border , non of us have it , non of us want it . we have canceled our hunt , and lost our $750 each deposits . the hunt is booked for Sept 19-25 .
jimbires":206wujmj said:
three of us have a Newfoundland moose hunt booked for 2 years . covid shut it down last year . this year we need the vax to cross the border , non of us have it , non of us want it . we have canceled our hunt , and lost our $750 each deposits . the hunt is booked for Sept 19-25 .

That really stinks Jim. Big time. Sorry for you about that.

But thank you for your example of what I said about principles and convictions are not for sale. Not easy, but character often isn't.

There's a whole lot of people going to have to make some hard choices. Might have to myself, I don't know. But if I bend only because of pressure or money on this, what's the next thing I will bend to that doesn't sit right with me?
When it gets boiled down, what is the reason not to be vaccinated? Personal choice or not doing it because the wrong man sits in the White House (Trump says to take it by the way)? Is it all vaccines or just this one? Even Fox came out this week with a reprint from a NY Post reporter encouraging it be taken with some pretty compelling statistics for it.

To be clear I have taken it. I live 50 air miles - no road - from a hospital with minor capabilities, 900 miles - no road - to a real hospital. My community depends on me for road maintenance and winter snow plowing. I took Moderna in February, we got them quick out here due to our remoteness. The first one was fairly unpleasant the second was nothing. I will take the booster if it becomes available. My son in WY got Covid in December and is a long hauler in terms of taste and smell. My sister in NC darn near got hospitalized with it. I have lots of friends who have not taken the poke, and it’s not my place to tell them to do so. I have caught some flack for being a sheep though, all in jest, haha.
Gb, I can't speak for everybody, but you've gotta know that the people that are making the decision to give up their careers and income rather than take the shot, are not doing that because the wrong man is sitting in the White House. That would be silly. It runs way deeper than that.

I just talked to a man in the last few days that between him and his wife, they have 60 yrs of working in a large hospital. They are not taking it. Period. A surgeon who makes $500,000 a yr within that hospital contacted him about advice on what the right thing to do was, because this surgeon doesn't want to take it.

I know a long time nurse just a few miles from me, that wont be taking it. There will be an avalanche of Dr's, nurses, airline pilots, truck drivers, you name it, that will give up their jobs rather than take it. They aren't doing that because they're being sore losers because the person they voted for is not in office.

If you read my post I said I am against it for a myriad of reasons. I've educated myself through Dr's, pharmacists', etc, not Fox news, and can't un-know what I now know.
A lot of people will give up their job before taking the shot, until it’s time to give up their job. Not anyone here specifically, but a lot. People are so overextended on credit these days that they can’t make it a month without pay. Doesn’t matter much what tax bracket their in either. Kinda like saying how we would react to a combat situation as an example. Don’t really know until it happens but we can talk about it. I’m always the bravest in the daylight my own self.

I know several health care professionals from guiding folks with some disposable income for many years. I’d say that every one I still keep in touch with and the subject has come up is pro-vaccine. Neighbor who grew up here is nurse back East, totally pro. She had 40 some odd patients on a vent last week. None had been vaccinated. She said all but one or two will die. Friend of mines’ kid is a Anesthesiologist in NYC, was there when they were filling refer trucks with bodies, pro. Sons MIL is traveling ER nurse, pro. Etc, etc. I have other friends who are very removed from any personal experience with Covid that are rather conservative and what one would qualify as quite religious that are totally anti yet pro - Trump and pro doctor. Then another very liberal friend who is totally weird about doctors, GMO, and everyday chemicals and the like but completely anti-any vaxx of any kind.

The good news is that here on this forum we can share points of view and not just link articles. I’m interested in what people think, not what they can repeat from a link on the web. Either way a person goes on the shot is OK by me
The fact is we just don’t have the historical track record for these new mRNA vaccines. I hope they are the effective, but we don’t know how they will effect us long term. The more traditional adenovirus vector vaccines like AstraZenecas covidshield and J&J at least have a longer track record of exposure. Adenovirus have been interacting with our immune systems for hundreds of thousands of year, we have evolved to deal with them.

I think those at risk should definitely take pro cautions, definitely older people or those with other conditions that make them more susceptible to poor outcomes.

The problem I have is that this virus has become politicized, use as a tool to control people with an exaggerated amount of fear. The fact that any talk of treatment protocol or prophylactic use of existing drugs was banned or shouted down.

In the case of covid19 the reaction has been worse than the desease.

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GB, could be for the ones that are not really serious about their reasons. I'll let you know if the man/wife that have 60 yrs combined at the hospital, cave on getting the shot. I seriously doubt it.

In regards to your second paragraph, if they're on a vent, unfortunately that is a near certain death sentence. Nothing to do with being vaxxed or not.

Google "Is Israel the most vaccinated nation" What you will find is recent reports about the most vaccinated country in the world with a severe spike in cases and hospitalizations. If you open the Yahoo news link, 5th link down on my computer, (hardly a conservative news outlet) you will find that 80% of people over the age of 12, are fully inoculated in Israel with the now CDC approved Pfizer. Israel has already given the second shot and is working on it's 3rd shot or second booster.

If you open the first link after that search you will see that on Sept 1'st 2021, Israel tabulated 1,892 cases per million in a single day. In the U.S. that would equate to nearly 630,000 cases in a single day. From vaccinated people. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

If so, all of us unclean, unvaccinated, will soon be died off, and the rest wont have anything to worry about.
I believe they have been doing mRNA trials for at least 20 years. Cancer and various viruses. Side effects have been limited to the first couple of weeks, much like any other vaccine. There are exceptions obviously like anything else. It doesn’t stay in your system and doesn’t alter anyone’s DNA.

I read about a concentrated effort, stoked by the left, by anti-vaxx organizers(any vaccination) in a successful attempt to beat Trump in the election. It was a misinformation conveyor belt and a smear. Classic Alinsky stuff. Remember when Biden and Harris weren’t going to trust “the Trump Vaccine”? Now it’s like they invented it personally. Haha.
ShadeTree":765dsmaw said:
GB, could be for the ones that are not really serious about their reasons. I'll let you know if the man/wife that have 60 yrs combined at the hospital, cave on getting the shot. I seriously doubt it.

In regards to your second paragraph, if they're on a vent, unfortunately that is a near certain death sentence. Nothing to do with being vaxxed or not.

Google "Is Israel the most vaccinated nation" What you will find is recent reports about the most vaccinated country in the world with a severe spike in cases and hospitalizations. If you open the Yahoo news link, 5th link down on my computer, (hardly a conservative news outlet) you will find that 80% of people over the age of 12, are fully inoculated in Israel with the now CDC approved Pfizer. Israel has already given the second shot and is working on it's 3rd shot or second booster.

If you open the first link after that search you will see that on Sept 1'st 2021, Israel tabulated 1,892 cases per million in a single day. In the U.S. that would equate to nearly 630,000 cases in a single day. From vaccinated people. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

If so, all of us unclean, unvaccinated, will soon be died off, and the rest wont have anything to worry about.

I have a friend, one I mentioned earlier who likes the information coming out of Israel also to support not getting the shot. Cases there are rising without question however rate of serious illness (before roll out) is significantly less, like 90%. So the young people with serious illness problems are mostly unvaccinated. The vaccinated patients having problems are mostly over 60 with significant co-morbidities.

Make no mistake, I don’t think of anyone as “unclean and unvaccinated”. Don’t read that into my comments. With respect to your comment about those “dying out”, I disagree forthwith. The elite Bill Gates crowd of folks need the rest of us to carry their water for them. [emoji1]
Hmmmm. And so it begins. My wife, who had no idea what I was discussing on this board just informed me of a news alert she seen on her phone.

A hospital in NY state has put delivering babies on hold after too many maternity workers have resigned due to the C-19 vaccine mandate. Here's the link. ... e-mandate/

GB, I seriously believe you're wrong on this one. You're gonna see this kind of news popping up about all sorts of different fields of work in the next few weeks. Unless some court steps in and puts the clinker to the mandate. The majority of the people that have held out this long have their reasons. And those reasons run deep.
ShadeTree":2w5tfoqk said:
Hmmmm. And so it begins. My wife, who had no idea what I was discussing on this board just informed me of a news alert she seen on her phone.

A hospital in NY state has put delivering babies on hold after too many maternity workers have resigned due to the C-19 vaccine mandate. Here's the link. ... e-mandate/

GB, I seriously believe you're wrong on this one. You're gonna see this kind of news popping up about all sorts of different fields of work in the next few weeks. Unless some court steps in and puts the clinker to the mandate. The majority of the people that have held out this long have their reasons. And those reasons run deep.
Oh I’m wrong a lot of times no surprise there. I agree with you 100% on this one. No one should be forced to take it. That’s plain wrong. If folks want to quit their jobs over it that’s their prerogative. I suspect many of them will be financially obliged to come back, under duress, and that’s wrong too. I just lay out my argument for taking it of my own free will, the same as those who don’t want to take it. We’re all on the same team here on the Nosler Forum!
" I just lay out my argument for taking it of my own free will, the same as those who don’t want to take it. We’re all on the same team here on the Nosler Forum!"

Exactly! That's the point. To quote the feminists. "My body, my choice." and that's the way it should be.

On another note, maybe I should put this as a separate post but what the hell. A while back I wrote a thread on "The State of Fear" with comments about was was written in a book title "STATE OF FEAR", written by the late Micheal Chrichton. About three fourths or slightly later in the book there is a discussion between two of the protagonists on how governments use fear to control their populations. very interesting coming from a work of fiction. The point being, when all that covid-19 BS came out I literally saw that conversation and the effects come to life. I suggested people read the book, find that conversation and think about it. I told myself I'm not afraid back then and I'm still not afraid. I'm 83 years old, diabetic so they say, have high blood pressure, mildly obese and I haven't gotten sick yet. Frankly, I don't figure I will and no, I'm not taking the shots. Every time I got a flu or pneumonia shot I ended up with the flu or pneumonia. No way in hell will I take the coronacrap jab. I figure it would be a death sentence.
Paul B.
PJGunner":qzigvc10 said:
" I just lay out my argument for taking it of my own free will, the same as those who don’t want to take it. We’re all on the same team here on the Nosler Forum!"

Exactly! That's the point. To quote the feminists. "My body, my choice." and that's the way it should be.

On another note, maybe I should put this as a separate post but what the hell. A while back I wrote a thread on "The State of Fear" with comments about was was written in a book title "STATE OF FEAR", written by the late Micheal Chrichton. About three fourths or slightly later in the book there is a discussion between two of the protagonists on how governments use fear to control their populations. very interesting coming from a work of fiction. The point being, when all that covid-19 BS came out I literally saw that conversation and the effects come to life. I suggested people read the book, find that conversation and think about it. I told myself I'm not afraid back then and I'm still not afraid. I'm 83 years old, diabetic so they say, have high blood pressure, mildly obese and I haven't gotten sick yet. Frankly, I don't figure I will and no, I'm not taking the shots. Every time I got a flu or pneumonia shot I ended up with the flu or pneumonia. No way in hell will I take the coronacrap jab. I figure it would be a death sentence.
Paul B.

Ha! I'm not laughing about Covid, it can be a serious thing for some people, but I'm chuckling at your attitude.

My parents are both 85, my Dad soon to be 86. Neither of them got the shot, neither of them wore a mask from day one, unless forced to in some scenarios.

Their choice. I see some people on TV and sadly know a few that begged, pleaded, manipulated, and threatened, so that their parents would take the jab.

Have people lost their ever loving minds? We should be listening to most older people, not treating them like their 5.

My interaction with my parents hasn't changed one bit since this started. I visit them several times a week, none of us vaccinated or wearing any stupid mask. That's not a statement of being bullet proof, just that common sense would dictate that mask doesn't do jack beans, and we just happen to not be buying into this vaccine.

Say what you will about the Amish. There's not one Grandpa in the Amish that missed out on interacting with their grandkids same as normal, through this whole inflated debacle. As it should be.

If the rest of the world wants to freak out and live in fear, that's on them, not on me. My choice to think and live otherwise.
if the vax is so great , why is congress not being mandated to get it ? just like obama care man it was the best thing going , congress had a carve out then too . these great experiments are only for the peons .

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