
Dec 24, 2011

I purchased this guy because.... you know....hand cranking can ruin the brightest of days.
Using a single stage press is far less annoying than cranking or using a power tool adapter, even when loading by the hundreds (AR10/15) as example.

This unit works great. Once set up you can rock and roll through about 250 per hour and that's not even rushing. Just a consistent pace.

Anyways I wanted to let you aware the bushing chart leaves some calibers off and after bitching to Lyman they have now added them.
In particular I was trying to trim some WSSM cases and it was not listed. I said well I will try using the WSM that is included... I know the shoulder angle is different but it wouldn't fit in any other bushing that are provided with it. I thought I can just wing it and get tedious with it and I'll get to my 1.660 goal.
UUHH NO! Laughing out loud (NOW as I was cursing when it happened) but the result was trim lengths around .030 too far.
I didn't just run a bunch and measure later but I kept going thinking "I'll get the next one right"......

the next one turned into stuck cases and I had to remove the bushing and tap cases doing doing that...and ultimately ending with about 1 case out of 10 correct.

That's when I called Tech support and they said oh takes the 338 lapua bushing
I said well would've been nice to know that. They said we'll have to add to that to the chart.
me: what about the already listed charts in circulation and or all over the internet.
Lyman: ............... call us..........

Anyways the trim express works great and if you see a chart like the one included with the trimmer and don't see your caliber case listed by all means give them a call because odds are they have a bushing that will fit but pending the date of chart you're looking at it might not be listed and deter you from purchasing.

Here is the original you can see there are many upon many cartridges omitted....
original chart on the bushing box from Lyman

Below is the new updated chart that still can only be found on the LYMAN site.


The new chart seems pretty good with most everything that can be trimmed (non straight walled) cases listed.

Happy trimming!!!!
Well I have finally been able to log on after 2 years for some reason? I have the same lyman as you do and it has been faster than normal. I have hard mounted it to a bench so I could control the cutting square. I do have to recheck lengths every so often. When I received (Father's Day present) trim express I ordered many adapters for it so to have all may case needs. At the time #24 only listed 338lm, so nice to something updated. The only way a straight wall case could be trimmed is by having an adapter make contact with the rim. Shouldn't be too hard for lyman to make something like that. Even though the angles of the 338lm and the 243wssm are different, the shoulder base is the same (.544"). The other wssm have close to the same .544". Good luck!