Politics vs National Security

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Normally I'm one to avoid political arguments online.

HOWEVER... I've come to the conclusion that the Democrat Party is an enemy of the United States.

They want no border control.

They use lies, attempting to destroy good Americans like Kavenaugh.

They flip-flop on issues of National Security, only for political advantage - note the border wall.

I have taken an oath to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Where do I put the Democrat Party members?

Kinda lost here...

Thanks, Guy

As a whole I couldn’t agree more. It’s tough to lump any bunch of people together for their beliefs but I think that the leaders that the Democratic Party have chosen to champion their cause, who will twist any words, stoop to any low to get the results they want are pure evil. They are enemies of truth, enemies of our nation and the people they have been given charge to protect. Would to God we are spared from them forthwith. But I’m afraid we won’t be.

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Tragically true, Guy. There was a time when I considered people American, whether they had a "D" or an "R" following their name. I believed that though we may have disagreed on means, we each sought what was best for the nation. There was a time during my younger days when statesmen occupied the positions of government. I am hard-pressed to think of any statesmen, though I am aware of numerous political hacks today. It is difficult, if not impossible in many instances, to believe that many seek what is best for the nation today. Many who wear the label of "Democrat" appear hellbent on destroying the nation. And what is true of the United States, has become increasingly true of Canada. The leadership of the Democratic party is waltzing toward a clash with American values that can only be destructive whichever way the situation plays out.
No boarder control means undocumented people can enter this country, sign up for free entitlement programs that are supported by the Dems. All they ask for in return is their support at the polls.

I'm right there with you. As the saying goes, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." They want nothing less than absolute power. They want to control your life in all aspects, and make you totally dependent on the State. It is nothing less than evil.
Besides the large number of folks who try to and do enter illegally, Guy you and other current and former LEO's know that the amount of drugs coming across our border each and EVERY DAY is staggering, as is the money that crosses our borders back into Mexico to pay for those drugs. I wish that the FBI, Homeland Security, and other agency's that know the real story would speak out and release these numbers. They truly are staggering.

I went to some training where these numbers were shown and it's truly hard to imagine it. They showed us pictures of rooms in houses and other locations that were full of U.S. money neatly stacked from the floor to the ceiling, and corner to corner. These rooms are large rooms also, not just a small nook or closet! Our government which is supposed to be an extension of the people needs to let folks know the real story and how pervasive this problem is in many ways to include the simple fact that our border is not secure. I wish that I had jotted some of these numbers down and I cannot recall them off the top of my head, but if people know they would be shocked, and this happens 365 days out of the year each and every day!

I just hope that the R side shows a bit more civility than their friends on the other side are the next time the pendulum swings left. The old gun - toting working-class red-blooded American D’s like truck driver’s dad and my granddad would be ashamed of their parties’ behavior today.
I hope the radical lefts constituents see the flip flopping they are doing on this border wall/fence and they hold them to task the next election but I won't hold my breath. Most of them are nut job guppies getting dragged along after being molded in our excellent education system :roll: . If nothing else the wall/fence would show all the central American countries we are serious about securing our borders and reduce/eliminate the caravans that claim to be fleeing persecution/violence in their own country. I understand the US is a better place to live then Mexico but if your fleeing your country and Mexico has open arms, and is the first semi safe country you hit, why would you risk traveling another 1000+ miles to the US, especially with a young child, only to be shoved into a stadium to await a asylum court date. If people in the US treat a child that way they would be jailed for child endangerment. 25 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the money illegals in this country cost tax payers every year. Not to mention the violence and deaths associated with them. I'm baffled why Trump doesn't relate that to the people. He should change his tactics and make it all about tax payer dollars. Tell people how much the average taxpayer spends every year to support illegals. When people see the numbers I think it will change a lot of their minds.

I think a metal slatted fence with razor sharp points at the top would make a excellent deterrent. Someone also said to use it like power lines and electrify it, works for me. BTW the lefts idea of using drones and modern tech is awesome (that was sarcasm BTW) A drone still won't catch a person but a wall would deter them. I'm not sure how a wall is immoral but according to Pelosi it is. :lol: I guess it's immoral to make people obey our laws. If they got the wall then they could focus on better securing the crossings.
I think they're trying to leverage their new assault weapons ban against wall funding.

Sign the ban, we'll fund the wall...

I hope Trump don't fall for it.
Sounds like it's going to be "put up.......or shut up" in 3 weeks.

The "news" is Trump caved........and that's not ACTUALLY correct.
I just listened to the speech.

He clearly stated he was reopening the government and getting people paid ASAP was a priority but the three week limit is imposed because if negotiations were not complete on the wall he "would use the powers of his office given by the power of the Constitution of the United states........to address this emergency."

I'm pretty sure I know what he means but......each decide on their own.

God Bless
Maybe he will use the Corp of Engineers to build the wall just like they did in New Orleans. At least they would be protecting the whole country not just one city. Dan.
The question that sticks in my mind is, Do Pelosi and Schumer really think we do not need a wall, or is it a case of "No wall because Trump wants one?" There is a thread on another site Where an accusation was made that certain Democrats do not want the wall because they're getting cartel money under the table. :shock: It was said that Mexico's President was given $100 million by the cartels so they he would leave them alone. Is it possible "certain" democrat politicians here may also be "on the take"? :?: :x Considering the amount of corruption by out politicians that has been exposed, it would not entirely surprise to find out the cartels were paying their baksheesh. :x
Paul B.
I'd wager money on it being just because Trump wants it. I personally think Trump let up to let the Dem hang themselves by not being able to come to an agreement, to get the workers paid, and to ease his falling popularity. They said they would make a deal if the government was reopened so now if they dont make it happen it's on them when it closes again. He actually has the upper hand now because he has given up too much already IMO to make a deal. If Trump has to go the executive order route then he will throw the DACA and TPS deals out the window (which should happen anyway IMO) and the Dem's will be left crying in their milk. Despite what the left says about him it's pretty apparent everything he does is to help the American people. It's sad they can't see that. They are so sure he is racist because he wants a wall to protect the American people.
I'll just say this. I go on Farcebook a lot and go out of my way to annoy the liberals. I think I may have learned some new four letter words. :shock: :lol: Two things, when they start swearing and calling me names, I answer back that if you have to swearat me, you've aleady lost the argument. Two: I just about always say "the communists, errr democrats" because it is my belief that the democrat party has either morphed into communism or has just been taken over by the communists.
FWIW, the American Communist Party sued the democrats a few years back for stealing their platform. Dunno how that came out in the end because both side got awfully quiet about it.
Paul B.