Video Link on Maine Coyotes

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Here is the link that goes as the follow up to the thread "Always follow up your Shot" posted last month. I finally got around to uploading it onto Youtube. It is sorta graphic so if your not into blood then you probably wont want to watch this video. It is however a very good example of how far a coyote can actually travel even after being hit HARD.. This animal is hit in the area over the front shoulder and the bullet traveled diagonally down thru him and exited out thru his lower belly he took a heck of a wallop and bolted as if he was UNHIT. Ran exactly the same as a clean miss.
See how far he goes in this video! ...
Pretty impressive, Earl. That ol' boy was infected with the will to live! In fact, I'd say he got a double dose of will.
Well Mike I will tell you this. To say its impressive is an understatement , and I gotta laugh when folks tell me that every coyote they ever shot, drops instantly, just a perfect text book kill............. sorta makes me wonder how many that really is??????
In truth, they are one very tough customer, and that one shows how tough, as you can plainly see from the video as you watch the blood trail those pieces you keep seeing are various parts of his internals........................ what I couldnt figure out is how he could get that far away without loosing TOOO much blood preasure ?????? Dont forget this thing is not just a "gut shot" coyote, it is shot thru the top of the shoulder, and the exit hole is that mess you see, when I get to it.
What an animal ......................... i guess thats why the American Indians, called them "gods dog"
WOW! Awesome video Earle. Finally got to watch it this morning and my God, that thing was all about living! Great video. Thanks for showing it.

Those old Maine coyotes are a tough breed.. Maybe you should start using the Whelen.. Those yotes are starting to look dangerous! HA!